>>>>> "christophe" == christophe barbé <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

christophe> I forgot to say that on the left button of the window, in
christophe> the menu there is a "Put on all workplace". But gkrellm has
christophe> fortunately no decoration.  Also metacity doesn't memorize
christophe> this property.  I hope there is a way to set it up
christophe> permanently for a given app.

Alt-RightClick inside the gkrellm window (or any window) will bring up
the Metacity menu.

BTW, gkrellm2 (which hit unstable recently) seems to work better with
Metacity, and has configuration options to (among other things) show up
on all workspaces.

Hubert Chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://www.uhoreg.ca/
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