
Can anyone point me in the right direction to be able to open pdf files
directly from galeon using xpdf instead of the default(gv) because the
default just shows a blank page.

I installed plugger at some point. Here is the relevant part from

application/pdf: pdf: PDF file
application/x-pdf: pdf: PDF file
text/pdf: pdf: PDF file
text/x-pdf: pdf: PDF file
#       repeat swallow(documentShell) fill: acroread -geometry
+9000+9000 -xrm '*userFrontEndProgram: FALSE' "$file"
#       repeat swallow(gv) fill: gv -safer -quiet -antialias -geometry
+9000+9000 "$file" 2>/dev/null
        repeat swallow(xpdf) fill: xpdf -g +9000+9000 -err "$file"

In the Settings->Preferences->Handlers->MIME Types section in Galeon,
there seems to be three settings for pdf as below

application/pdf         Run with helper         xpdf -q %s      True
text/pdf                Ask the User            none            False
text/x-pdf              Ask the user            none            False

How would I even go about troubleshooting this - How can I find out what
application is being used or even what type Galeon thinks the file is. I
have tried 

% telnet www.whatever.com 80
GET /index.pdf

but that only returns the PDF itself - no headers with Content-Type.

Any help in this is appreciated.



Shri Shrikumar             U R Byte Solutions
I.T. Consultant            26/3 Annandale Street   Tel: (0131) 558 9990 
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Edinburgh EH7 4AN       Web: www.urbyte.com

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