* martin f krafft ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [021016 08:52]:
> i regularly get mails alerting me of my expired GPG key. but i have
> a new (sub-)key uploaded to the keyservers since the day the old
> expired. now i do realize that everyone who obtained my key from the
> keyservers last year has that one stored, and GPG doesn't re-get a key
> from the keyservers if it's in the local keyring already.
> but i can't be the only one, and this has to be solved. why doesn't
> gpg try to see if there's a new version of an expired key on the
> keyserver before complaining that it's expired?

Even better would be that gpg could re-fetch keys every so often even if
they haven't expired, to get new signatures, revocations, etc.  That's
probably a worthy wishlist item.

good times,
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."  --Benjamin Franklin

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