I’m running debian stable on a headless system.  I’ve installed (among others) ‘vncserver.’  However when I run ‘vncserver –geometry 1024x768’ and connect to the display using the tightvnc viewer (on a windows client) I get a window with a mottled grey background and an ‘X’ shaped cursor, but nothing else.  I can move the cursor but neither mouse button seems to do anything – it’s almost as though X is running but has no windowmanager.  I created the file ‘xstartup’ in ~/.vnc and put the following into it:





(windowmaker is installed) and changed the permissions to 755, however it made no difference – I still have this unusuable window when I connect to the vncserver.  Here is my vnc log:

07/05/04 09:24:54 Xvnc version 3.3.3r2+tight1.2.2

07/05/04 09:24:54 Copyright (C) AT&T Laboratories Cambridge.

07/05/04 09:24:54 All Rights Reserved.

07/05/04 09:24:54 See http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc for information on VNC

07/05/04 09:24:54 Desktop name 'X' (debian:1)

07/05/04 09:24:54 Protocol version supported 3.3

07/05/04 09:24:54 Listening for VNC connections on TCP port 5901


07/05/04 09:25:13 Got connection from client

07/05/04 09:25:13 Protocol version 3.5

07/05/04 09:25:13 Ignoring minor version mismatch

07/05/04 09:25:15 Pixel format for client

07/05/04 09:25:15   8 bpp, depth 8

07/05/04 09:25:15   true colour: max r 7 g 7 b 3, shift r 0 g 3 b 6

07/05/04 09:25:15   no translation needed

07/05/04 09:25:15 Using tight encoding for client

07/05/04 09:25:15 rfbProcessClientNormalMessage: ignoring unknown encoding 8

07/05/04 09:25:15 Using compression level 9 for client

07/05/04 09:25:15 Enabling X-style cursor updates for client

07/05/04 09:25:15 rfbProcessClientNormalMessage: ignoring unknown encoding -232

07/05/04 09:25:15 Using image quality level 0 for client

07/05/04 09:25:15 Enabling LastRect protocol extension for client

07/05/04 09:25:15 rfbProcessClientNormalMessage: ignoring unknown encoding -223

07/05/04 09:25:23 Client gone

07/05/04 09:25:23 Statistics:

07/05/04 09:25:23   key events received 0, pointer events 278

07/05/04 09:25:23   framebuffer updates 1, rectangles 14, bytes 1007

07/05/04 09:25:23     LastRect markers 1, bytes 12

07/05/04 09:25:23     cursor shape updates 1, bytes 82

07/05/04 09:25:23     tight rectangles 12, bytes 913

07/05/04 09:25:23   raw bytes equivalent 786444, compression ratio 861.384447



I’m sure it’s something simple, but can anyone enlighten me?  Does the debian vncserver package not use xstartup or something?



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