
Posted this yesterday but can’t find it or any response – sorry if I missed it or the spam filter ate it.



Pretty new to linux here, so bear with me.


Trying to install on a server with intel scsi controller srczcr.  I’m using woody/debian3.0r1 cd image to get started.


I try this with no boot arguments or by specifying kernel 2.4 using bf24 – same result.


The bios recognizes the scsi and I have the raid configured as required.  Of course it is not recognized.


I try to load the module for the driver using either a cd built from the intel scsi cd or downloaded from intel support (link below) but on either case, the install routine says ‘can’t load the floppy’.


The message from dbootstrap says ‘unable to mount the floppy, can’t continue’.


The floppy is accessed.  Using the little shell on alt-f2, I can cd to the floppy, but it appears empty (might be my ignorance here, all that is listed is root created today when I ls –al).


Thanks – any help is appreciated.




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