Thanks, see below.

Matt Brubeck wrote:
Adam Bogacki wrote:

after being a long-term satisfied gnome-user I suddenly find that

Applications -> Desktop Preferences -> Font
(or) -> Themes  (or) ->  Sound

don't work.

Please give more details.  What do you mean by "don't work"?  Exactly
what happens when you try to change these preferences?
When I click 'Applications->Desktop Preferences->Font' on the top left of the top panel
a small square appears on the bottom left of the bottom panel saying

 'Aa Starting Font'

... sits there for a while ... then disappears. Previously a font config panel would open up
in the center of the screen allowing me to adjust font size and/or select another font.

The same occurs for 'Applications->Desktop Preferences->Themes' and
'Applications->Desktop Preferences-> Sound'. The last is not so
important since the ALSA sound modules in 2.6.5 kicked in.
I recently did a number of 'apt-get dist-upgrade --fix-missing" [...]

Were any packages inadvertently removed by the "apt-get dist-upgrade"?
Not that I am aware of.
Was there a reason you were performing the dist-upgrade?
I had upgraded to kernel 2.6.5 but on second dist-upgrade I could not
get past a 'Kernel Panic'. I got past this via mkinitrd and tried to fix
any problems via 'apt-get dist-upgrade --fix-missing'.

***In fairness, this behaviour predates the 2.6.5 upgrade.

The dist-upgrade may be irrelevant.

For a long time previously, I took font and theme selection for granted.

Adam Bogacki,

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