Colin, et al --

...and then Colin Watson said...
% On Tue, May 18, 2004 at 04:43:43PM -0400, David T-G wrote:
% > 
% >   debootstrap --arch i386 --verbose stable /mnt/suse81 file:///mnt/empty/
% > 
% > (and also 'woody' in place of 'stable') but it puked on adduser.
% Can you show exactly what happened, rather than just saying "it puked"?

Sure; sorry.  I forgot that I had written this whole thing once before
but *not* sent it.  It's only fair to give you all of the info now :-)

  hp:~ # debootstrap --arch i386 --verbose sarge /mnt/suse81 file:///mnt/empty/
  I: Validating debootstrap.invalid_dists_sarge_Release
  I: Validating debootstrap.invalid_dists_sarge_main_binary-i386_Packages
  I: Checking adduser...
  I: Checking apt...
  I: Checking apt-utils...
  I: Checking aptitude...
  I: Checking at...
  I: Checking base-config...
  I: Checking base-files...
  I: Checking base-passwd...
  I: Checking whiptail...
  I: Checking zlib1g...
  I: Retrieving adduser
  E: Couldn't download adduser

  hp:~ # debootstrap --arch i386 --verbose --exclude=adduser sarge /mnt/suse81 
  I: Validating debootstrap.invalid_dists_sarge_Release
  I: Validating debootstrap.invalid_dists_sarge_main_binary-i386_Packages
  I: Checking apt...
  I: Checking apt-utils...
  I: Checking aptitude...
  I: Checking at...
  I: Checking base-config...
  I: Checking base-files...
  I: Checking base-passwd...
  I: Checking whiptail...
  I: Checking zlib1g...
  I: Retrieving apt
  E: Couldn't download apt

  hp:~ # du -skh /mnt/empty/dists/
  668M    /mnt/empty/dists

% Cheers,
% -- 
% Colin Watson                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks again & HAND

David T-G
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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