Hi everybody,

I just switch on the computer yesterday and I tried to mount the /cdrom device and I couldn't.

The error it gives me is:
"wrong fs type, bad superblock on /dev/cdrom or too many mounted filesystems.

The thing is: I've checked the fs type and is ok (iso9660). I also checked that I actually had a /dev/cdrom device and it was there.

Regarding the number of filesystems, I had the normal partitions plus a msdos mounted partition and a nfs mounted partition.

I enclose the contents of my /etc/fstab as attachment.

Thanks lot for your help

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>               <dump>  <pass>
/dev/hda5       /               ext2    errors=remount-ro       0       1
/dev/hda8       none            swap    sw                      0       0
proc            /proc           proc    defaults                0       0
/dev/cdrom      /cdrom          iso9660 defaults,ro,user,noauto         0       0
/dev/hda2       /boot   ext2    defaults                        0       2
/dev/hda3       /usr    ext2    defaults                        0       2
/dev/hda6       /var    ext2    defaults                        0       2
/dev/hda7       /tmp    ext2    defaults                        0       2
/dev/hda9       /home   ext2    defaults                        0       2
/dev/hda1       /dos            ntfs    user,noauto,uid=myid,gid=myid           0      
server:/servername/mydir        /mydir          nfs     rw,noauto,user          0      

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