My Belkin UPS probably saved my computer from the power surge but its internal programming is probably fried. I reinstalled the software from the Linux tarball changing all the ownerships to root:tom and all the permissions to 770. This allows me to display the monitor but I cannot change the setup. When I originally installed the UPS I did all this as root and was able to change the setup. This is no longer possible as security changes do not allow me to open a display as root.

The only thing to change is the com port which I was certain I had right in the first place. To be sure I uninstalled the programs and reinstalled them changing from /dev/ttyS0 to /dev/ttyS1. Neither works though /dev/ttyS0 retrieved some information but in either case the installed software generates periodic messages that the UPS device is unreachable. This is what makes me believe the UPS internal software is fried.

Before replacing it I would like to be sure that the display problem is resolved. I have searched the X11, xdm and icewm setup files trying to remove the restriction preventing opening a display as root. My plan would be to take the computer offline (The connection is wireless so ifdown wlan0 does this) during the time the root prohibition is overwridden.

Any suggestions?

Tom George

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