Shri Shrikumar wrote:

On Mon, 2004-05-24 at 14:34, David P James wrote:

The reasons for that is a whole other
issue, but it's safe to conclude that free email access isn't going
to solve their destitution (because if it would, it would already
have happened or at least be underway).

Communication is the beginning of every solution.
It *is* under way, e.g:-

The implementation of open source software, along with internet
access and associated email, is creating the basis for an economic
(in the comprehensively true sense of the word) revolution in

Very well, but would you care to enlighten us how providing free email is going to help feed starving people in war torn countries in Africa, like Somalia? That's what you've been arguing all along, so I'd love to hear some details about it.

It might not solve starvation but it will give them the same access to information and knowledge that people is countries that are better off take for granted.

Give a man fish, but only until, by way of efficient communication, he has learnt how to fish for himself, otherwise you rob him of self achievement and enforce dependence.
Human beings require spiritual and mental food also. Other factors not accounted for in modern economic theory.


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