One thing worth trying in this sort of situation is to try booting
Knoppix and seeing what drivers that uses if successful.


Tony Middleton.

H.A. Sujith wrote:
I have debian 3.0r2 woody. I have an on board graphics controller Intel 845G/L (Brookdale). X server is not starting on my computer. It gives the error "No devices detected". I have tried everything from Modifying the XF86Config-4 file to recompiling the kernel(with appropriate drivers) to re-installing the system with different boot options (bf24, vanilla etc.,) and none of them has worked. I've tried kernels 2.4.28-13 and 2.4.20. Previously I was using Red Hat 8.0 and everything was fine, I was using kernels 2.4.18-14 and 2.4.20. It even worked on a Linux distribution based on Fedora core 2.
BTW, I am also not able to play MP3s using mpg123/mpg321. It says unable to open any libao drivers for device .(libao is installed). I have an on board sound card that came with the 845G chipset -- ICH(?).

Can someone (probably with the same hardware) give me step by step instructions on getting X and audio working.

Thanks for any help.

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