Kent West wrote:
dircha wrote:
[borders in gtk+ apps not showing up after a suspend/resume]

Have you tried a different window manager? Have you tried a different user? These quick tests might give you a clue as to where the problem lies.

Good idea; I tried a few additional things here.

I'm starting X with startx.

Test 1:
On your recommendation, I tested this as root user without any window manager. I removed the X related . files from /root; there are no GTK+ or X app related . files in its home. To test without a window manager as root, I put the following in /root/.xinitrc:

xterm -geometry 80x60+600+0 &

I then started X as root, executed a suspend-to-disk, and then resumed. The rendering errors still exist in mozilla-firefox.

Test 2:
Start X as my normal user. Start mozilla-thunderbird. Execute suspend-to-disk. Resume.

Then, I kill X and restart it. GTK+ applications render correctly again.

So, while simply restarting the application does not solve the issue, reboot also is not necessary.

I suppose this means it is something stored in the X server. I don't know much about this, but as I recall hearing, widget components are stored in the X server as "pixmaps". I assume this would include things that are missing such as scrollbar "up" and "down" arrow faces. And yet icons in the application still display. Also, how would this explain the lack of borders (which I assume are just drawn as primitives)?

This is really beyond me. Perhaps this is a genuine bug?

I no one has any ideas, I'll try cross-posting this on debian-laptop. It's more likely there that I would find people who might have experienced something similar I imagine.


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