
I want to combine Perl and Java - run some Perl code inside a Java program. On CPAN, I've found something called JPL that appears to do this. If I've read CPAN correctly, JPL is shipped as part of the Perl 5.6.1 release, so it's not available as a separate release (except for an obsolete version)

But I can't seem to find it on my Woody system. perldoc fails for any of the modules listed on CPAN, such as JPL::Class. There should be a directory called 'jpl' but find / -name '*jpl*' turns up nothing.

So perhaps it is shipped in a separate Debian package? But I can't locate one on the Debian site.

Does anybody know anything about how to get JPL working on a Debian Woody system? Any hints about whether it actually does what I want or whether there are other ways to call Perl from Java would also be helpful.

Thanks and regards,
Dave Howorth

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