On Thu, 2002-10-31 at 21:08, Scott Henson wrote:
> I am looking to start using a spam filter on my mail.  I was wondering
> if anyone on this list had opinions/suggestions on the best one to use. 
> I am using Evolution as my mail client, and postfix/woody on my mail
> server.  I looked on line for some documentation on how to use
> spamassassin on my woody system, but the documentation that I have found
> says it needs better than the 2.20 that is in woody.  I also heard about
> this new abyssian filter technique and I was wondering if there was any
> of those avaliable for evolution or postfix.  I would rather have
> something for postfix because I would like to share the spam filtering
> capabilities with my roommate.  Any howtos or advice on how to get spam
> filtering going?  Thank you for any help
> -Scott Henson

I just switched off SpamAssassin here because what had been an equal
number of false positives and false negatives has instead proven to be
nearly every spam not already filtered by my own Evolution filters and
local blacklisting of a swath of worst-offender smtp-refuser getting
through, while most commercially provided requested mailings are getting
flagged. I've been far less than impressed by the tremendous
inconsistency of it respecting the whitelist on my system - only a
couple of entries has it ever applied, and even there, it depends on the
day and what else is happening in the message.

I think SpamAssassin is a great idea, and it may work well for many, but
it is spam filtering like you and I and everyone else are already doing,
and if we haven't been able to write our own filters to catch the
offending messages, leaving it to someone else is not some magic surety
to solve the problem. I'm going to try and re-write some of the
valuations and some additional rules over the next few weeks as time
permits, but that is no guarantee that it will be anymore effective for
my experience. If it does help, I'll offer them upstream to make it more
effective, because I'd rather see it work for as many as possible,
rather than treat it as Micro$oft quality software.
ML Kahnt New Markets Consulting
Tel: (613) 531-8684 / (613) 539-0935

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