* ([EMAIL PROTECTED])[20040604 05:48]:
> Hi
> I have finally installed debian instead of the former
> redhat. Unfortunately, matlab runs only partly now. I can't use linux
> commands and copy and paste don't work either. I am running kernel
> 2.6.5 and KDE 3.2. Pts should be switched on.

What kernel did you have this running successfully with in

> This is the error message I get:
> ??? MATLAB was unable to open a pseudo-tty: No such file or directory [2,1]
> The unix() and ! commands will not work in this MATLAB session.  Other
> commands which depend upon unix() and ! will also fail.  Your system may
> be running low on resources.  If the problem persists after a reboot,
> check with your system administrator and confirm that your pty subsystem
> is properly configured.

Do you have a /dev/ptmx ?  Is your system running udev?  Is
devpts mounted on /dev/pts?

good times,

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