On Thursday 10 June 2004 1:19 am, Loren M. Lang wrote:
> Does anyone know of a good news server I could use?  I'd like to post
> an article to the gnuplot newsgroup, but my isp seems to no longer be
> offering free usenet service.  If I could just post articles to a
> mail->news gateway would be nice since I can read them without too much
> trouble.  I'd prefer a free usenet server, but I might go for a
> commercial one.

For free usenet access try http://news.individual.net/ but I don't think
it does binaries.

On the commercial newsserver side, I have been very happy with
my giganews account. See http://www.giganews.com/ for more info.

It could be, if the Microsoft way of handling the unzipped file was
safe and reasonable, but they've written their software to be too
"smart" (that is to say, brain-dead-eager-to-do-wrong-things), and the
bells and whistles are the problem. --  Werehatrack on opening zip files

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