everything looks reasonable to me except that / is definitely too small
and I generally allocate a lot more space to /tmp. Any reason in
particular you're keeping it so small? I also usually have a /boot

btw, my box is named blue also, damned biter! =)

On Fri, 2004-06-11 at 12:55, David Balch wrote:
> Hi,
> I think I need to change my hard drive partitioning on a testing 
> install, and want to make sure I'm not missing something that
> would mean I didn't have to. Here's the situation...
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ uname -a
> Linux blue 2.4.25-1-386 #2 Wed Apr 14 19:38:08 EST 2004 i686 GNU/Linux
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ df -h
> Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/hda1             133M   92M   34M  74% /
> tmpfs                 253M     0  253M   0% /dev/shm
> /dev/hda5             4.6G  2.3G  2.2G  52% /usr
> /dev/hda6             2.8G  2.0G  672M  75% /var
> /dev/hda7              15M  1.1M   13M   8% /tmp
> /dev/hda8             105G  2.5G   97G   3% /home
> I'm practically out of space on my root partition, which was allocated
> 133Mb by Debian Installer. (Although I'm not certain it wasn't picking
> up some older partitioning.) The space is used (approx) by:
> blue:/# du -hs /lib /etc /boot /sbin /bin
> 43M     /lib
> 28M     /etc
> 12M     /boot
> 2.9M    /sbin
> 2.8M    /bin
> When attempting to install a second kernel, / runs out of space and the
> install fails.
> Does this look within a sensible range for a desktop with Gnome?
> i.e. my / partition is just too small, and I'll have to change it.
> Cheers,
> Dave.
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