On Fri, 18 Jun 2004 20:52:40 -0600
"Jamin W. Collins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 18, 2004 at 08:47:14PM -0500, Jacob S. wrote:
> > Do the Jabber packages in Woody come with the modules for acting as
> > a gateway to aim/icq/etc.?
> No.
> > /etc/jabber/jabber.xml said to be sure to read the documentation
> > about each module before using it, but the documentation in
> > /usr/share/doc/jabber didn't mention anything about them.
> That's because they were not packaged at that time.  They've been
> packaged since and should make it into Sarge.
> > Is the process for creating an openssl cert & key for a Jabber
> > server similar to creating one for a https server?
> Pretty much.  More details can be found here:
>    http://jabberd.jabberstudio.org/1.4/doc/adminguide#security-ssl
> > Is the Woody Jabber server recent enough, or are there some
> > backports I should use?
> I would say no.  There have been several enhancements to the package
> since the version in woody.  I'm sure that some would still say that
> the version in testing and unstable is also not good enough due to
> some limitations of the implementation.  However, I run 3 different
> servers using the Debian packages and have very few problems with
> them.
> There are not any official backports at this time.  Though I have
> considered maintaining backports for the server and the transports.  I
> put together a few backports for one of the servers I run.  Let me
> know if you want them and I'll make them available.

Thanks for the information, Jamin.

I would appreciate it if you could e-mail me the backports or a url
where I can download them. This e-mail address is valid, if you wanna
take it off list.


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