I've been using the same process to upgrade & install Gnome on a Debian Woody install 
for ages, but I'm starting to have problems.

My normal process is:

Install Woody from CD with C / C++ development & libncurses-dev
Build new (2.6.6) kernel and install it

Add stable APT sources to sources.list
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade

Add unstable / testing APT sources to sources.list

create /etc/apt/preferences containing:
Package: *
Pin: release a=testing
Pin-Priority: 600

Package: *
Pin: release a=testing
Pin-Priority: 50

To upgrade, run:
dselect update
dselect select (just accept default & quit straight out)
dselect install

At this stage in the past, the system would be upgraded to testing/unstable, but it 
seems now that stuff like dhcp3-client is being removed. After dselect install ran, I 
re-installed dhcp3-client before I rebooted.

I would then normally run:
apt-get install gnome

and that would install all of Gnome from testing/unstable. However, when I run the 
install apt-get barfs and complains about a bunch of stuff that wont be installed, 
such as gnome-office etc etc etc.

To resolve this, I tried:
apt-get dist-upgrade

That upgraded a bunch of stuff. But when I go back to running apt-get install gnome, 
it complains only about gnome-office not being installed etc. I kluged it by running 
apt-get install gnome-office then apt-get install gnome, and that ran ok.

I then installed gdm, xserver-xfree86, some fonts, gdm etc.

However, the system wont run gdm or I get a weird broken Gnome...

Is there something I'm now doing wrong, or any docs I should read. I've Googled about 
but can only find old instructions such as in Debian Reference etc.




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