On Mon, Jun 21, 2004 at 08:31:45AM -0500, Rthoreau wrote:
> I subscribe to debian digest and about a week ago I stoped receiving the list, 
> this has happened a few times.  I still got my other Debian mailing lists, 
> and thought it was a little weird.  Then a day ago, I all of a sudden got a 
> list burp, about 87 or 100 debian digests from the missing time I did not 
> receive the list.  I looked at the headers, and it seems that they were sent 
> in the last day or so, but headers can only tell so much.
> This has happened in the past and I wrote it off as an ISP filtering my 
> messages thing.  The funny thing is I always get a high count of spam so it 
> seems a litter weird that my ISP would filter a mailing list, and not the 
> spam, but such is the life of a crappy cable company.  I also thought it was 
> weird that it did not filter my other lists, so I have no clue as to what the 
> problem is, in the past I sent emails to my ISP but it did not do any good. 
> Heck I had a DNS ISP server problem that took them 8 months to fix, I had to 
> use the ip address, no one local or national seemed to care.  
> So if murphy is acting up it would explain my digest problem.  But I still 
> received my other lists.  So I have no clue as to what the heck is going on, 
> doesn't murphy serve all the mailing list's?  What makes digest so special if 
> it is murphy? Is it the collecting of the messages then posting them, ie the 
> digest aspect?  

It's not your ISP... something bit the digest and it stopped working.
After it had been defunct for a couple of days I checked debian-user
on the web and found there had been plenty of traffic on the list, so
I emailed the listmaster and he confirmed that it was a problem at
debian's end. A few days later he found the problem and fixed it,
which is when the 70 missed digests went out.


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