First of all sorry for posting this on this mailing list. I don't know
of any good list to post it on, and since this list seems to draw a very
knowledgable crowd I thought it might be worth a shot ;-)

I have a problem with the network connection at home, but only to
certain (I have found two) sites: (a very shor silly page: "coming soon...") (the webhosting used for the domain above)

DNS lookup works fine! Traceroute gives me about 15 hops before it runs
into problems (it reports only stars until hop 30 when it stops,
increasing the hop count doesn't improve the situation). Both of these
sites are reachable from all other computers I've tried (work, 2
friends', my brother's, my ISP's helpdesk).

The ISP helpdesk says this is a DNS problem, and that it will sort
itself out in less than a week.  As you understand my knowledge of
networks is extremely limited, but something here doesn't smell right.

If it were a DNS problem, why doesn't switching DNS have any influence?
  (I have tried 3 different ones, the default one from my ISP, an openly
  available one from, and one openly available from Chalmers
  in Sweden.)

When comparing the hops observed by me and the ones observed by the ISP
helpdesk they are the same (well, the first few aren't, but they quickly
join) until the last one I note. After that it takes about 2 hops for
the ISP helpdesk to reach the destination. Why do I get a slightly
different route, which seems to land me in some black hole?


Magnus Therning                    (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)

Anyone who creates his or her own cryptographic primitive is either a
genius or a fool. Given the genius/fool ratio for our species, the odds
aren't very good.
     -- Bruce Schneier, Secrets and Lies

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