Norman Walsh wrote:
My root partition is /dev/hda2. My machine boots up and runs fine.

$ cat /etc/fstab | grep hda2
/dev/hda2       /               ext2    defaults,errors=remount-ro      0      1
$ mount | grep hda2
/dev/hda2 on / type unknown (rw,errors=remount-ro)

That looks a little frightening to me. I touched /forcefsck and
rebooted. It found errors on the root partition, claimed to fix them,
and rebooted but the result was still an "unknown" partition type.


I just read your post and looked at my own situation. What I found rather surprised me.

Same 'unknown type' here:
 $ mount | grep hda5
 /dev/hda5 on / type unknown (rw,noatime,errors=remount-ro)

I looked at /proc/mounts which also seemed to have a strange entry:
 $ cat /proc/mounts | grep '/ '
 rootfs / rootfs rw 0 0
 /dev/root / ext3 rw,noatime 0

I've never heard of rootfs and was unable to find some useful information quickly.

Unfortunately I don't know whether /proc/mounts used to look different,
since I never really used it.

It might be of interest which version of Debian you and I are using,
and what kernel. My set-up:
 Linux 2.6.7-mm1 (built from
 Debian testing/unstable (APT prefers unstable)

It'd be nice if someone could shed some light on this.


Felix C. Stegerman

the QuiX project - Open Source Software Development

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