On Wed, Jun 23, 2004 at 12:53:05AM -0600, Jules Dubois wrote:
> On Wed, 23 Jun 2004 14:02:14 +1000, Aaron Robertson-Hodder wrote:
> > Just wondering if all you people are moving to 2.6 from Woody, Sarge or
> > sid? I have been trying to compile the 2.6.6 kernel on my Woody distro and
> > keep getting depmod errors.
> Another thought: Do you have the module-init-tools package?
> Quoting from the package description:
>   This package contains a set of programs for 
>   loading, inserting, and removing kernel modules 
>   for Linux (versions 2.5.48 and above). It serves 
>   the same function that the "modutils" package 
>   serves for Linux 2.4.

There are a few other packages that need updating - suitable versions
are available from www.backports.org. Search the archives, a list was
posted a few months back.


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