On 2004-06-24, John Summerfield penned:
> Its only since its IPO that RH has become money-hungry. I  am
> comfortable  with the notion of paid-for support in the way of
> security advisories and bug-fixes: the only matter for debate is cost.

Well, if I understood you earlier, you have paying clients.  I guess
having a paid support contract is a nice CYA maneuver in that kind of

(I like debian better, but then, I've never tried the paid version of
linux support; maybe it's just fantabulous.)

> Indeed. While I disagree with much of the Debian project (before you
> jump in, I'd point ot that many of the Debian Developers disagree with
> each other too), I do admire their endevour and commitment to the
> project.

Gd, do they ever disagree!

I don't disagree with much of the project, but I'm right there with you.
I think it's a lot like a quote I heard about the ACLU -- "If you agree
with half of what we do, you should contribute.  If you agree with 75%
of what we do, you should be on our Board of Directors!"  Something like

>>No, what's missing is the testing infrastructure.  *System* testing,
>>not just the individual package.
> Better, I think to  seek ways towards that ideal. Some cliches come to
> mind - the person who makes no mistakes does nothing, a journey of a
> thousand leagues begins with a single step...

Right.  The question is whether the product can realistically be
improved/sped up or not.  I'm reminded of that whole "nine women can't
make a baby in one month" business.

> I haven't yet seen a Debian beta process, so I don't know what
> happens, but if (as I've read) the DDs are mostly running testing or
> unstable, then there has to be something wrong in _their_ estimation
> with Woody.

Er.  They *have* to run testing or unstable in order to test their
packages!  Not all of them have multiple boxes (or even permanent
network connections); many of them may not be running mission-critical
systems at home; and they're all experienced enough not to have to run
stable to avoid the fear of accidentally doing a Bad Thing.

I'm pretty sure all the debian servers run stable, although it would be
interesting to hear if they don't.

> The recent move to subversion has had the effect of officially cutting
> Woody users off from the latest source - there is no offical Woody
> build of subversion.

Eh?  Whose recent move to subversion?  I've been distracted by
non-computer things recently; have I missed something?

>>And now a lot of people who aren't motivated enough to do a google
>>search or ask on d-u are installing packages that haven't been fully
>>tested with the system.  The status quo at least ensures that the
>>people who are using backports have at a minimum the ability to
>>research questions.
> Do you think the current situration is perfect? If not, how do _you_
> think it may be improved.

There's a difference between "imperfect" and "needs to be fixed."  I
stand by my belief that adding packages after the official release
introduces risk.  Now, would releasing a new version of stable more
often be a good thing?  I guess it depends on if it's deemed truly

Okay, I'm way too tired for rational thought right now.  Must go beddy
bye ...


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