> Trying to start a Perl smtp(port 25) server from inetd.
> Script works OK as stand alone but fails to start from inetd.

Hopefully it has been designed to be run from inetd.

> Question 1: Is there a way to log inetd?

Information and errors is logged via syslogd.  This usually logs to
/var/log/syslog as configured by /etc/syslog.conf.

> Question 2: should the server be started differently for inetd (as 
> compared to a standalone server)

Yes, very much so.  Normal daemons fork into the background and
disassociate from the terminal.  Normal daemons will need to open
their own network ports.  But daemons from inetd expect all of that to
have happened already.  Plus traditional inetds only open file
descriptor zero for reading and writing whereas newer versions open up
fd 1 and 2 as well because it is simpler for simple programs like perl

There are many details here.  I don't even know where to begin to
describe the process.  Googling for how to write a unix daemon and
other things would turn up good information.

> netstat shows . . .
> :~> netstat -ntalc | grep ':25'
> tcp   0      0*        LISTEN
> tcp   0      0*        LISTEN
> tcp   0      0*        LISTEN
> tcp   0      0*        LISTEN
> tcp   0      0*        LISTEN

That does not look normal.  How can you have five of them running at
once?  Very odd.

> tcp   0      0     CLOSE_WAIT

And yet another one bound specifically to localhost.  It does not look
happy to me.

>   -- upon attempting to telnet to port 25 . . .
> :~> telnet localhost 25
> Trying ::1...
> telnet: connect to address ::1: Connection refused
> Trying
> Connected to localhost.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> Failed to start server :Address already in use
>          (in cleanup) Can't call method "close" on an undefined value at 
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Net/SMTP/Server.pm line 55.
> Connection closed by foreign host.

This really looks like inetd was listening on port 25, started up your
perl script, your perl tried to open port 25 again.  Of course that
won't work.

>   -- some of different ways I have tried to start the server
> my $srv = new Net::SMTP::Server( 'localhost', 25 )
> my $srv = new Net::SMTP::Server( '', 25 )
> my $srv = new Net::SMTP::Server( , 25 )
> my $srv = new Net::SMTP::Server( )
> none have behaved any differently

If you are starting from inetd then don't try to open any network
ports.  Just read and write from stdin and stdout.  (In the old inetd
you would have needed to write to fd 0 as well.  But for newer
versions just write to stdout.)  Remove all of the network operations
from your perl script and try again.

You should be able to test your script by talking to it
interactively.  Try running 'sendmail -bs' for a compison.

  /usr/sbin/sendmail -bs
  220 discord.proulx.com ESMTP Postfix (Debian/GNU)
  EHLO localhost

You are creating an SMTP replacement and so it must behave the same.
If your script does not behave the same way then you need to fix it so
that it does.


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