As a user, without administrative privileges,
I want to determine if I really can consume
a certain amount of memory.
Even though  "ulimit -a"  returned
   max memory size     unlimited,
I have an application that seemed limited to 2.1GB,
so I wanted to EMPIRICALLY TEST the memory limit.

I welcome other approaches for checking memory limits.
The following script does check this 2100MB,
with the command line argument $1 as "2200".

/usr/bin/bc <<+++
   for (x=1; x<=$1; x++) {z[x]=1/3}

if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
  echo "SUCCESSFUL:  Consumed \"$1\" megabytes memory (possibly as swap space)."
  echo "FAILED:  Could not consume \"$1\" megabytes memory."

You can watch as the memory use increases with something like
   while : ; do /bin/ps -A  -o %cpu,%mem,vsize,rss,cmd   |
      egrep 'RSS|bc'; sleep 1; done

With the "bc" calculator set with a "scale" of 1,020,000,
each variable set to "1/3" uses 1MB.
So to consume 2200MB, we need to create 2200 variables.
This worked for  "bc -v"  GNU version of 1.06 on Linux,
but would not work with the limited IBM AIX installed bc
which won't even allow  "scale=100" (so we installed the GNU version).

Jameson C. Burt, NJ9L   Fairfax, Virginia, USA
(202) 690-0380 (work)  magic "mysterious and awe-inspiring even though
                  we know they are real and not supernatural"

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