On Wed, 7 Jul 2004 12:11:05 -0700
Paul Yeatman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ah, thanks.  I'll give "hotkeys" a look.
> Ok, so I'm not the only one who was surprised to find out my
> "gnome" and other gnome-essential packages were removed after an
> update one day?

No, you weren't the only one surprised. apt-cache show acme only shows
acme conficting with pbbuttonsd, but an apt-cache search for that
package name doesn't return anything. 

Looking at your next e-mail and seeing problems with capplets sounds
like a bug needs to be filed against acme. And in deed, apt-cache show
capplets shows that it conflicts with acme. If acme does not then
mention the conflict with capplets, it would seem to confirm the needed
bug report.


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