On Thu, Jul 08, 2004 at 03:26:45PM -0400, Lee Bradshaw wrote:
| On Thu, Jul 08, 2004 at 08:47:13PM +0200, Florian Ernst wrote:

| > PS: Mail-Followup-To not honored as it appears to be munged.

Some people actually want a copy.  That is what the header is for --
indicating what your preference is at that time.  (for example, I
don't spend as much time reading the list's folder now as I used to so
I do want a copy of something I sent so I'll notice it; however
sometimes I don't)

| Thanks. I changed "lists" to "subscribe" in .muttrc. We'll see if that
| fixes the problem.

Use 'lists' to tell mutt you want a personal copy of replies and
'subscribe' if you don't.

Using 'subscribe' as a side-effect that some find annoying.  Instead
of showing your name in the 'From' column for messages you sent it
will show "To: debian-user".  If you don't like that behvavior then
set this option :
    set index_format="%3C %Z %{%b%d} %-15.15F (%4c) %s"
    #                                       ^    ^

The carets show how it differs from the default.  Read the manual to
see what the default is, what the differences mean and what other
options there are.


Microsoft is to operating systems & security ....
                                    .... what McDonald's is to gourmet cooking
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