Problems with X locking up.

Different box from the slow drive problem posted earlier.

I've got a CappuccinoPC Mocha mini-ITX format system.  Pretty much
everything's onboard.

Over the past several weeks I've had increasing problems with system
stability, particularly with X.  'last' shows system boots on the 8th,
10th (twice) and 11th (three times).  Prior to that, 6/27, 6/9, and 6/4.

I'm a bit concerned about thermal damage as the system runs in a warmish
ambient environment (95°F/35°C), and does periodically overheat and
lock.  Graphics is integrated to the Mobo.

Typically, X freezes.  Mouse responds, but keyboard doesn't, including
modifier keys such as capslock, numlock, and scroll/lock.
<ctrl><alt><F[1-6]> doesn't take me to a console.

The system as a whole is still running (I'm writing this shelled in
under SSH).  Process table shows X still running, as well as my full X

There's no error output in ~/.xsession-errors, /var/log/XFree86.0.log,
dmesg, /var/log/syslog, or /var/log/kern.log. 

Trying to run (as root) 'chvt [1-6]' from a remote SSH session fails (if
you've never tried this, you can have fun with people by switching them
between consoles and X sessions remotely on a functioning system ;-).
Ctrl-C will return the prompt.

I can't grab a remote X screenshot with 'import' from imagemagick:

    # import -display :0 -window root /tmp/screen.png


Occasionally I'll manage to kill X and get a console.  The console
screen may be garbage _either_ with:

  - Text and color in VGA modes, which can be reset or cleared.
  - Graphic artifacts all over the place.  Generally console can't be
    restored though I may be able to get another X session running.  Or

I got a screenshot of some odd artifacts in X at:

(The artifacts are circled in yellow -- the circles aren't the artifacts

Possibly related:

  - I got a SIGSEGV (Sig11) error in Knode earlier today.  Worried as
    this is sometimes tied to HW problems.
  - 'shutdown' fails to reboot the system periodically (haven't tried
    this round yet).
  - I've _just_ upgraded yesterday to 2.6 kernel from 2.4.25, though
    problem appears to have existed prior to this.
  - Load average is high, though I'm not sure what processes are
    blocked.  Currently at about 4.8, down from ~6.9 most of the past
    hour or so.  Hrm.  X is sucking up a lot of CPU.

Top output:

top - 02:47:58 up  6:34, 39 users,  load average: 4.81, 4.96, 5.27
Tasks: 210 total,   7 running, 202 sleeping,   0 stopped,   1 zombie
Cpu(s): 60.5% us,  6.9% sy,  0.3% ni, 29.9% id,  1.7% wa,  0.1% hi,  0.6% si
Mem:    452228k total,   446856k used,     5372k free,    36044k buffers
Swap:  1060208k total,   115384k used,   944824k free,    82592k cached

  PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND            
 3112 root      15 -10  139m  46m  73m R 96.0 10.5 193:21.48 XFree86            
21204 karsten   16   0  2228 1044 1884 R  3.1  0.2   0:00.04 top                
21203 karsten   17   0  4492 1188 4284 S  1.6  0.3   0:00.01 bash               
    1 root      16   0  1528  528 1376 S  0.0  0.1   0:00.83 init               
    2 root      34  19     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 ksoftirqd/0        

Looks like it's probably an X or graphics system problem.

Graphics is an SIS 65x chip.  From lspci:

0000:01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]
65x/M650/740 PCI/AGP VGA Display Adapter

Anything I could do to isolate this problem to hardware or software?

Anyone else seeing similar?



Karsten M. Self <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 What Part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?
    God never sends mouths but He sends meat.

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