On Mon, 12 Jul 2004 17:50:12 +0200, Derrick 'dman' Hudson

> On Mon, Jul 12, 2004 at 06:29:58AM +0200, Matthijs wrote:
> | Setup: Debian unstable, kernel 2.6.7, on a Via EPIA M10000 board.
> | 
> | The biggest problem I'm having:
> | modconf wasn't installed by default, had to apt-get it myself.
> That's no problem, it isn't essential.
> | Now it
> | only complains that modprobe.conf is missing.
> It must be out of date.  The current module-init-tools don't use
> /etc/modprobe.conf any more.

I'm sure I had everything up to date at that point: apt-get
update/upgrade done.
Before I read you're reply, I decided to re-install Debian Sarge again
from scratch, since it didn't went smoothly the first time. Yes, I
know, I sound like a windows-user: re-installing the OS when something
doesn't work...
(Oh wait, I *am* a windows user...) ;-)
Anyway, *that* problem with modconf was gone after the reinstall. The
problem with my soundmodules & ALSA were still there.

> I thought modconf only modified /etc/modules.  You can edit that by
> hand too -- it is just a simple listing of modules to load at boot
> time.   Just out of curiosity, does /etc/modprobe.conf contain
> anything after you change something with modconf.

I don't know for sure, but I think it stayed empty.

> | they're automagically back after a reboot.
> What loads them?  Is it /etc/modules?  Is it hotplug?

It's neither /etc/modules nor hotplug - but at least you pushed me in
the right direction.
/etc/modules was almost empty - so that wasn't the source of my
problems. This hotplug system was completely new for me, so I needed
to investigate this. 

> What modules are they?  ALSA should "just work" if you have a
> relatively recent sound card.  (my SB Pro just works if I list
> snd-sb8 in /etc/modules and the IO and IRQ parameters in
> /etc/modprobe.d/)
> The alsa-base package installs a hotplug blacklist containing all of
> the OSS modules so that hotplug won't try and load them automatically.
> Perhaps the issue is that you don't have that blacklist.

No, the old OSS modules were in the blacklist.
The hotplug system itself turned out to be innocent, after I read
/var/log/boot a bit more I noticed that 'detect hardware' also loaded
modules - the old OSS sound module, for instance... hotplug could only
determine that it was already loaded, so the blacklist didn't have any
This hardware detect thing was also new for me. After some searching I
knew that I had to modify /etc/discover.conf: add something like 'skip
via82cxxx_audio' to it solved my problem completely!

> | Also, a minor problem: during boot it complains about a missing
> | usb_uhci module. I know that this is a leftover from the 2.4 kernel,
> | but I can't get rid of it.
> My first guess is that it is listed in /etc/modules.  If it is, then
> delete that line.

Also solved with the new install.

Number of problems left: 0!
Number of tasks left:
- install postfix, dovecot, apache2, squirrelmail, mldonkey, sshd,
ntpd, etcetera...

I'll probably be back with questions soon...

Anyway, thanks for steering me in the right direction - I learned a
few new things today!

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