This was kind of a pain in the neck, so I'm collecting my experiences into 
one Googleable post for the sake of the next person.

I just bought a Microsoft Trackball Optical for use with my Debian/unstable 
system.  Installation was a breeze - I just plugged it in to the USB port 
and it instantly worked, scroll wheel and all.  However, my particular 
model had two extra narrow buttons on the left and right outside edges.  By 
default they were set to emulate a middle-click and right-click (left and 
right "extra" buttons respectively).  Since that was hardly useful I 
decided to put them to better use.

*** Step 1:  Configuring X

I slightly modified the "mouse" section of /etc/X11/XF86Config by changing 
the "Protocol" from "Auto" to "ExplorerPS/2", disabled "Emulate3Buttons", 
and set the number of "Buttons" to "7":

Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier  "Microsoft Trackball Optical"
        Driver      "mouse"
        Option      "CorePointer"
        Option      "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
        Option      "Protocol" "ExplorerPS/2"
        Option      "Buttons" "7"
        Option      "ZAxisMapping" "6 7"
        Option      "Emulate3Buttons" "no"

*** Step 2:  Configuring Xmodmap

By setting the number of buttons to 7 in XF86Config, the up and down scroll 
wheel movements got bumped from buttons 4 and 5 to buttons 6 and 7.  
However, almost all X apps expect them to be on 4 and 5.  I 
created /etc/X11/Xmodmap with the contents below to reorder the mouse 
button numbers so that the scroll wheel once again controls 4 and 5, and 6 
and 7 are mapped to the "extra" buttons.

    $ cat /etc/X11/Xmodmap
    ! Re-order the mouse buttons
    pointer = 1 2 3 6 7 4 5

Note that I haven't explicitly loaded the new mapping yet; that comes in the 
next step.

*** Step 3:  Configuring imwheel

Now that X sent the appropriate events in response to button presses, I 
wanted to make them actually do something.  The easiest (only?) way I know 
of is with the program "imwheel", which intercepts mouse button press 
events and replaces them with configurable keyboard events.

First, I ran "apt-get install imwheel".

Second, I made my own personal ~/.imwheelrc configuration file.  I could 
have just as easily used (or edited) the 
systemwide /etc/X11/imwheel/imwheelrc file, but I wanted to keep my 
modifications to myself to avoid confusing the heck out of anyone else who 
happened to be using my machine.

The syntax of this file was a little confusing at first, but it's really 
pretty simple.  The first line of each section is a regular expression to 
match the title of the window that the mouse is in when you press a button 
(so that you can send different keystroke combinations to each 
application).  Following is a series of lines mapping a keyboard modifier 
plus mouse button combination to a series of keystrokes.  In my config 
file, "None" means that I'm not required to hold down any key while 
pressing the mouse buttons.  This way, you can easily specify one action if 
the shift key is pressed, another for the control key, etc.  The second 
field is the name of the button press to match.  "Up" corresponds to the 
left outer button, and "Down" matches the right outer button.  The final 
field is the keypress combination to send.

My file currently looks like this:

    $ cat ~/.imwheelrc
    None, Up, Shift_L|Left
    None, Down, Shift_L|Right

    None, Up, Control_L|Page_Up
    None, Down, Control_L|Page_Down

    None, Up, Control_L|Page_Up
    None, Down, Control_L|Page_Down

In other words, if my mouse is over a window with the internal name of 
"konsole", and I'm not holding down any modifier key on the keyboard, and I 
click the left outer mouse button, then imwheel sends shift+left to the 
window.  This corresponds to "Go To Previous Session" in my Konsole 
shortcuts, and acts as expected.  The other definitions are variations on 
the same theme.

To see what a window is called, I ran 'imwheel -D -d -k -b "67"' to kill the 
currently running imwheel daemon, dump debugging information to stdout, and 
only intercept buttons 6 and 7.  Then I went to the interesting window, 
clicked either of the right or left outer buttons, and read the debug 
output to see what the name of that window was.

*** Step 4:  Running it all at login

I edited /etc/X11/imwheel/startup.conf to change the lines:

    #IMWHEEL_PARAMS="-b "67""


    IMWHEEL_PARAMS="-b "67""
Then, I made a symlink from /usr/share/doc/imwheel/61imwheel_load-xmodmap 
into /etc/X11/Xsession.d (the imwheel packages doesn't install it by 
default).  Now, whenever any user logs in, the session manager launched 
imwheel with that users ~/.imwheelrc (or /etc/X11/imwheel/imwheelrc if they 
don't have one).  Then, it loads the /etc/X11/Xmodmap file I defined in 
step 2.  You can also execute the scripts in /etc/X11/Xsession.d manually 
if you're already logged in and you want to make sure that they work as 

*** Step 5:  Profit!

Now I enjoy the use of those extra little buttons that I'd otherwise be 
ignoring.  In Firefox and Konqueror, they quickly switch between open tabs.  
In Konsole, they flip between running sessions.  I'm only owned the 
trackball for about two hours total at this point so I imagine I'll find 
more uses for them as I get used to it.

So, in recap, I made a small edit to XF86Config.  Then I created config 
files for xmodmap and imwheel.  Finally, made sure that both of those 
commands are run at login so that my mouse settings are always available.  

Although each step turned out to be pretty easy and logical, they weren't 
terribly obvious to me at first.  I thought I'd save others the aggravation 
by sharing the steps that worked for me.  In a nutshell, if you're 
considering a multi-button mouse or trackball but don't know if you could 
use all of the extra buttons, the answer is probably "yes".  For my 
Microsoft Trackball Optical, that's definitely true.

Kirk Strauser

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