Please fix your character set, your apostrophies don't appear correctly.


> Quote from debian's security website:
> Debian takes security very seriously.  Most security problems brought to
> our attention are corrected within 48 hours.

Key word is most.

> Debian has yet to release security patches for two major
> vulnerabilities in php.  In fact they haven't released an advisory
> of any kind in over two weeks.  I know that this is a community
> effort, but I don't really understand how that's an excuse
> seeing that Gentoo released and updated ebuild the next day.

So what are you going to do about it?  I suggest using reportbug to see
if the bug is already in the Debian bug tracking system, and make an
attempt at making a patched version of the Debianized package to submit
to the developer.  Be sure to note what you did and explain the process
as well, so the developer knows what you did and can reproduce the build
themselves.  By using Debian, you are a part of the community by
extension, feel free to contribute.

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