One week ago my lprng-apsfilter-hp1100 printing arrangement has gone mad, probably caused by a testing upgrade. After days of trying to localize the difficulties I think that a2ps or apsfilter or gs8.01 or one of those other programs working together does not get access to the non-printer X-fonts. It seems to be simply a matter of setting the paths to those fonts to the proper variable in the proper program, but all my attempts to do so in configuration files and scripts have failed.

The first day only printing from Mozilla-Thunderbird Postscript default (!!!) worked and nothing else, neither from Firefox (later version than Thunderbird) nor from GVim, OpenOffice, or Lyx, or simply when trying to print lpr *txt, *.ps, or *.pdf files, but

- lpq notifies "printing done" no matter if the hp1100 did it's work or not,
- and when there is no printing, after the proper time the printer gives
this short and faint little sound it normally gives after having finished
actual output which I never consciously noticed when everything went well.

Today, after a week of RTFMs and trial and error and removing, re-installing and re-removing (this time for now and forever!!) that unedible Xprint rubbish, and after a new setup of apsfilter, I am able to print every PS-file made from a PDF-file and nothing else. I must

- export Lyx and OpenOffice (.swx) files to PFD and then pdf2ps them
- a2ps *.txt files
- first pdf2ps those new *.ps files and the original ones and then
  reconvert them with ps2pdf
- then print the thus created ps-file with lpr.

Imagine how smart and proficient I feel when doing all this just for a simple printout!

After the new setup of apsfilter - oddly enough not before - a file lpq.0 showed up in /var/spool/lpd/hp1100. It shows the last lpr job and part of the last but one, in this case job 418 which succeeded and then job 525 which failed. Notice rank 'done' in the last line of the message.

I have never found time really to learn postscript and ghostscript and all those things, and now twelve years after retiring I find even less time and I feel simply too old for such a venture. So I can do nothing than hope to find somebody who knows and can help me.

Hans Vogelsberger

example lp.0 message:

Printer: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 'ljet4;r=600x600;q=medium;c=mono;p=a4;m=auto'
Queue: no printable jobs in queue
Server: no server active
Status: job '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' saved at 10:25:05.392
Status: waiting for subserver to exit at 10:25:25.266
Status: subserver pid 1528 starting at 10:25:25.267
Status: accounting at start at 10:25:25.267
Status: opening device '/dev/lp0' at 10:25:25.267
Status: printing job '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' at 10:25:25.267
Status: processing 'dfA525{hostname}', size 1333, format 'f', IF filter 'a
psfilter' at 10:25:25.267
Status: IF filter 'apsfilter' filter msg - '/etc/apsfilter/basedir/bin/apsfilte
r: line 1859: read: read error: 0: Is a directory' at 10:25:25.302
Status: IF filter 'apsfilter' filter msg - 'Error: /undefined in ^Ountdictstack
' at 10:25:25.542
Status: IF filter 'apsfilter' filter msg - 'Operand stack:' at 10:25:25.542
Status: IF filter 'apsfilter' filter msg - '' at 10:25:25.542
Status: IF filter 'apsfilter' filter msg - 'Execution stack:' at 10:25:25.542
Status: IF filter 'apsfilter' filter msg - ' %interp_exit .runexec2 --nos
tringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- 2 %stopped_push --nostringv
al-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- false 1 %stopped_push 1 3 %
oparray_pop 1 3 %oparray_pop 1 3 %oparray_pop 1 3 %oparray_pop
.runexec2 --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- 2 %stoppe
d_push --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval--' at 10:25:25.542
Status: IF filter 'apsfilter' filter msg - 'Dictionary stack:' at 10:25:25.542
Status: IF filter 'apsfilter' filter msg - ' --dict:1062/1123(ro)(G)-- --di
ct:0/20(G)-- --dict:70/200(L)-- --dict:88/200(L)--' at 10:25:25.542
Status: IF filter 'apsfilter' filter msg - 'Current allocation mode is local' a
t 10:25:25.542
Status: IF filter 'apsfilter' filter msg - 'GPL Ghostscript 8.01: Unrecoverable
error, exit code 1' at 10:25:25.542
Status: IF filter 'apsfilter' filter finished at 10:25:25.549
Status: printing finished at 10:25:25.549
Status: accounting at end at 10:25:25.549
Status: finished '[EMAIL PROTECTED]', status 'JSUCC' at 10:25:25.549
Status: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: job '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' printed at 10:25:25.549
Status: job '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' saved at 10:25:25.550
Rank Owner/ID Pr/Class Job Files Size Time
done [EMAIL PROTECTED] A 525 /home/{user}/frolex.tx 1333 10:25:25

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