On Fri, 2004-07-23 at 16:47, Karl Hegbloom wrote:
> http://fedora.redhat.com/about/trademarks/guidelines/page5.html

While I agree with the sentiment ("Don't use Fedora.") I don't agree
with the reasoning behind it. I choose to not use Fedora because it is
not well suited to what I do. The fact that Red Hat does not allow you
to use the Fedora name does not limit your freedom with using the
software, nor redistributing it.

If I take a copy of RH 7, put a Debian logo on it and call it Debian,
I'd imagine the Debian developers wouldn't be too pleased when people
start calling them telling them what a terrible, outdated, buggy piece
of junk they've released.

By that same token, someone using the Fedora name for a modified Fedora
distribution could POTENTIALLY make RH look even worse than it already
does. Umm... I mean... "could make RH look bad". :)

Alex Malinovich
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