On Saturday 24 July 2004 06:15 am, David A. Cobb wrote:
> [With apology that this duplicates a mail to 'backports']
> I see in the SOURCES.LIST document that one can use the "file:"
> scheme URI to designate a source.
> I am in a position where I need to do just that.  I cannot get my
> nVidia
> cardset to work, so I cannot reach the 'net from Linux; I need to use
> Windoze for that.
> I set up a FAT32/VFAT area to cache all my downloads -- it looks like
> a huge but fragmented RSYNC of pieces of the net.  I duplicate the
> directory structure of my source.
> I set it up in what looked correct, but APTITUDE complains that it
> cannot stat. the package list files.  I assume that is the
> "Packages.gz" or "Sources.gz" file.  Also, the way the path looks in

Have you used dpkg-scanpackages (man page)? You can use a local 'pool' 
of packages if you create the packages files.

> the
> error message is seriously munged from what it is on disk: looks like
> "/" replaced by "." [IIRC] and a few other translations.
> My hypothesis is that I haven't formatted the file:/top/next/third/ .
> . . URI correctly, or that I have pointed it to the wrong place in
> the tree.  Of course, a formally correct URI would need to begin
> "file:///top/next . . .".
> Can someone send me a copy of a correctly formatted file URI from
> And, as a P.S., do the debian and backport servers / mirrors support
> RSYNC?  It would surely save me a lot of manual stuff.

Greg C. Madden

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