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On Monday 26 July 2004 22:49, Tim Raats wrote:
> Alexandros Papadopoulos wrote:
> >On Monday 26 July 2004 21:32, Tim Raats wrote:
> >>Debian crashes on the strangest moments. Im running Sarge with
> >> kernel 2.4.26. When im surfing the internet with Mozilla Firefox
> >> 0.8, Debian sometimes crashes.
> >
> >Quick answer: Use a different version/build of Firefox.
> >
> >Now, are you sure the machine is "crashing"? What does that mean?
> > Can you install the SSH server and login to it from a different
> > machine, or ping its address, while it seems "crashed"?
> >
> >Sometimes a graphical application locks the keyboard and the user
> >perceives this as a "crash", although it really isn't a system crash
> > - it's the stupid X server not being able to accept input from the
> > devices any more. If for example you leave some program with
> > dynamic output (e.g. top) running in an xterm, do you still see it
> > updating after the system becomes unresponsive?
> >
> >Make sure this isn't happening, try to get out of X with Ctrl-Alt-F1
> > and see if you can troubleshoot from there.
> >
> >>I dont know what the source of this problem is. Im
> >>running KDE 3.2.3 also. Please I need help because if I want
> >> crashes than I should install Window$ again.
> >
> >If instability is the only thing that annoys you in M$ products,
> > then I agree with you; you really should.
> >
> >-A
> I also had this problem also with the version in unstable. I have
> also tried ctrl-alt-F1 and it doesnt switch to tty1.

but did you also try, as suggested to you, to ping the box or ssh into 
the box from another host?
- -- 
Frederik Dannemare | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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