On Mon, Jul 26, 2004 at 04:48:15PM +0100, Karl E. Jorgensen wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 23, 2004 at 10:55:28PM +0930, David Purton wrote:
> > This is finally driven me nuts enough to try and fix it.
> > 
> > I use dhcp to get an ip address from my dlink dsl 300+ modem.
> > 
> > The problem is, that it wants to renew it every 5 seconds and syslog
> > *fills* up with this sort of log message:
> If your dsl modem is your dhcp server (it sounds like it so far), then
> you need to re-configure the dhcp server settings on the the modem.
> Increase the lease time to something sensible, e.g. 6 hours or a day?
> > Jul 23 22:41:29 vetinari dhclient-2.2.x: DHCPREQUEST on eth1 to port 
> > 67
> > Jul 23 22:41:29 vetinari dhclient-2.2.x: DHCPACK from
> > Jul 23 22:41:29 vetinari dhclient-2.2.x: bound to -- renewal in 5 
> > seconds.
> Those are mighty weird IP addresses for a local network !? Are you sure
> that we're not talking about your *external* ip address?

Ah - it's not a router - just a plain vanilla modem. I do routing on my
gateway which has two nics. THe 300+ will only give out one ip address I
think - a private one if no dsl line is found for the purposes of
configuring the modem or the public one obtained from the pppoe

> Also, as far as I can see on the technical specs of the dlink dsl 300+,
> it supports bridging dhcp... Do you use that? (It doesn't appear that
> you need to, but...)
> > I've tried stuffing around with dhclient.conf to try and specify the
> > lease time, but I can't get it working.
> That would not help. If the DHCP server only gives you a lease time for
> X seconds, holding on to the IP address for longer is dangerous - by
> then the DHCP server could have given that IP address to somebody else!

Fair enough. Finding documentation on configuring these modems is a
right pain though :(

> > I gather I can probably get it to log somewhere else, but I'd much
> > rather have it log *much* less frequently. I have a static ip address,
> > so it doesn't need to renew frequently at all.
> I take it that you have a static *external* ip address?

Yeah - really the modem is just acting like an adsl-ethernet bridge. The
only thing that was confusing me is that the modem is using pppoe to
connect to my ISP, rather than a straight bridged connection.

But as I said in a previous email, setting my ecternal interface up as a
static interface seems to be working ok. And hopefully will continue to
do so unless my ISP changes my IP address without telling me.



David Purton
For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to
strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.
                                 2 Chronicles 16:9a

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