On Tue, 2004-07-27 at 16:09, Raquel Rice wrote:
> I've gotten the Gnome login screen to come up.  I can even login. 
> Thank you everyone for your help.  There's a problem though.
> The screen is way too large.  I've edited configuration using
> dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86, but it doesn't change what the
> screen looks like.  I've edited the configurtion file directly, and
> the screen still is WAY too large (I'm only seeing maybe 1/4 of the
> page).
> I've looked at the documentation but can't find the answer I need. 
> Can anyone help?

How often do you change screen resolutions?

If the answer is: Only when I have to, or never.

Select ONLY the resolution you use in dpkg-reconfigure. When you restart
X, it'll be what you like.

There is also a gnome apples call "gnome-randr"

provided by:
        gnome-randr-applet - Simple gnome-panel front end to the xrandr

Install that package and run it when logged in is another way to fix it.

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