> I wan't users to be able to upload their content easily without hassle.
> Problem 1.  When a user connects thorough ftp, presently they have to 
> change to the /var/www/users folder to upload data.  This is a problem 
> because not only will they have trouble changing directorys, a smart 
> user can browse my entire server from ftp.
Firstly, I would not use FTP, if anyone's password is sniffed, they now
can go in and wipe stuff. You may want to use some kind of secure ftp or move 
towards a scp instead. Winscp2.exe is a neat util that allows windows users to 
connect to a linux box that has the sshd server installed.

> I came from a Micro$oft enviroment where all this mentioned above was 
> done automaticly, is there any way to make this an automatic process to 
> eliminate the users calling me all the time?
> Maybe I should be putting all the web site files in the users home 
> directory, that would make the directory change easier, but I don't 
> think it will solve the permissions problem.  maybe there is a way to 
> make the permissions in the users directory to default to 755 or 
> something.  I have been having trouble finding these answers, if there 
> is a page I can read, then I will I just need to know where to look.

I guess it depends on how you are using apache to serve pages.
Are your users uploading their own web pages? or do multiple users
design one web page?
If users have their own page, you may want to look at using the "public_html" 
option of apache. If the latter, then you coud always create a system user and 
change the home directory to /var/www/.

hope this helps,


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