

I'm trying to install debian linux but I'm having trouble.  I ran jigdo and downloaded an ISO file successfully and burned a cd successfully from the ISO.  After creating the partitions I get to "INSTALL KERNEL AND DRIVER MODULES" but it can't seem to find a particular file, "images-1.44/rescue.bin"  After checking the contents of the CD, I find "rescue.bin" in the "boot" directory.  So I tried this again but by manually entering the directory where this file is found and I get the error message "cannot find file /instmnt/boot/images-1.44/rescue.bin"


Am I doing something wrong or is this some sort of error?  I can see way to access this file since the directory name is included in the filename, a directory which doesn't exist.


Is the ISO bad?  If so, can you recommend one that you know for certain works?


Thanks in advance,



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