Greg Folkert wrote:
On Sun, 2004-08-08 at 12:43, Carl Fink wrote:

On Sun, Aug 08, 2004 at 12:22:57PM -0400, Greg Folkert wrote:

This seems good, I have tested it. Now, the mid-September release
time-frame seems realistic, for Sarge.

Surely you mean a mid-September freeze, not release?

If this in the case, then this should coincide when a similar question I posted earlier, were looking at buying some more servers and woody will not support them at all, but sarge will.
Considering you comment,
I would say it that providing it's not 100% mission critical, then you would proabaly be ok installing sarge and monitoring the cert announcements for a security releases, as sarge will be in a freeze, they will not be adding and removing packages, just fixing bugs, so once the official version is released a simple dist-upgrade should hopefully work ?


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