george roman wrote:
Joris Huizer wrote:

Richard Cavell wrote:


I wish to extract my kernel source into /usr/src. I downloaded it as a bz2 file. Only root can write into this file. My 'GNOME Desktop Manager' does not allow me to log in as root.

Now in KDE my Ark program will allow me to extract, but I can't write into /usr/src. I can cheat by, say, extracting somewhere else then using root to move it in, but how would I do this properly?

You can use the `su <name>` command; It'll let you log in as another user in your console. If you leave out the name, it'll choose to let you login as root (so `su` is the same as `su root`)

You can also do the extracting and compiling without root powers, if you are in the src group; You can add yourself to the 'src' group (`su -c "adduser <name> src"`) - if you're in the X, login out of the X and log in again (otherwise you're groups aren't yet updated) - I don't know what's needed when you are on a virtual console, but login out there should help too



if you want ti install the driver (as i remember) ou have to stop x server. so a solution to your proble is to wsitch in a terminal with (Ctrl+Alt+F1 dor example), kill your x server and then install the driver.

Nah, you'll be compiling a kernel for half an hour or longer - just open a xterm or gnome terminal for the compiling and do your other stuff;
The drivers won't be installed just like that: you'll need to install the new kernel and boot into it; You'll see no change before you reboot



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