On Wed, 2004-08-11 at 12:36, Didar Hussain wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 11, 2004 at 06:16:55PM -0500, Mohammad Shadi wrote:
> > which the software Redhat + Debian + SuSE + SlackWare + Mandrake is the best 
> > software linux?
> These are all distributions of a Linux kernel with other software.
> > which the software Redhat + Debian + SuSE + SlackWare + Mandrake to use as a 
> > server operating system?
> Personal opinion: Debian for Server systems, SuSE is a very good 
> Desktop system. Mandrake is also very good. Slackware is for advanced
> users. Red Hat costs $$$ (lotsa money) to justify their product.
> > which countries  the more choose and Customer for developments in countries around 
> > the world and why?
> > 
> Sorry, can't understand what you are asking, could you please
> be more clear.

I can clear it up in one word: spam.

It seems 95% of the spam I'm receiving is actually addressed to the
list, not my home address. This is surprising since the list is mirrored
onto USENET with email addresses intact.

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