On Thursday 12 August 2004 02:14, Johann Spies wrote:

> Gregory,

(Kirk, actually)

> Could you get the network connection working from Windows XP?  I have
> also installed XP on qemu but I had no success in getting the network
> working.

Yep.  It wasn't mentioned in the docs, but if you want to use TUN/TAP 
networking, then you have to activate NAT on the host computer.

Steps I took (as root) to make it work:

  1) Added a line in /etc/sudoers (using visudo) to allow me to 
execute /etc/qemu-ifup as root: 

    kirk    ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /etc/qemu-ifup

  2) Loaded the tun module:

    modprobe tun

  3) Gave myself access to /dev/net/tun:

    chown kirk /dev/net/tun

  4) Turned on forwarding:

    echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

  5) As me, ran qemu.  Note that I have perms for /dev/hdb8; it's a 
partition I configured just for this experiment:

    qemu -hda /dev/hdb8 -localtime -m 192
  6) Turned on NAT:

   iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

You might be able to swap steps 5 and 6, but I'm not sure whether it's 
necessary to have tun0 configged before starting NAT.  I just got this 
working late yesterday afternoon and haven't had time to refine it yet.  :)
Kirk Strauser

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