Inge - waves of empathy....
i had a very similar set of problems...finally found out about the
realtime-lsm,  but simply could not get the damned thing to compile,(see
my mail of yesterday - maybe someone will still be able to help) so
you were a step ahead of me...

i am now trying with a demudi improvement for me, but it
still is not doing all it should.

What with that and a grizzly bug in audacity that means i can't edit with
that either, i also contemplate throwing in the towel after a decade of
*nix use... It really is still a bit of an uphill battle.

Hopefully Agnula will produce something worthwhile, most importantly
because they seem to be intent on producing documentation. good :)
The problem at the moment seems to be that the different distros, and the
2.4/2.6 and all the 2.6's all are sufficiently different on the alsa/&c
things to make any partial clues culled from google not always very

Do let us know if you have a breakthrough/insights.

 On Sun, 15 Aug 2004, Inge Thorin
Eidsaether wrote:

> Hi
> I'm having a few problems getting jackd to work
> on my Debian box (testing, kernel 2.6.7)
> The soundcard is a Soundblaster Live.
> Sequencial summary (so far):
> ALSA seems to be working, that is: playback works.
> Haven't tried recording yet. So I installed Ardour.
> Ardour won't work unless jackd is running, which it wasn't:
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Ardour/GTK 0.453.1 running with libardour 0.728.1
> Loading UI configuration file /etc/ardour/ardour_ui.rc
> ardour: [ERROR]: Could not connect to JACK server as  "ardour"
> Killed
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Aha, jackd it is, then.
> Tried starting jackd (or jackstart, as a regular user):
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> cannot get realtime capabilities, current capabilities are:
> =ep cap_setpcap-e
> probably running under a kernel with capabilities disabled,
> a suitable kernel would have printed something like "=eip"
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Hm. Found out I needed the LSM realtime module.
> Why didn't the error message just say this?
> Or point to some place with more info on the problem?
> Even though I read somewhere that latency issues
> and such was now dealt with in kernel config, not
> in patches or modules? Could be my mistake. No big deal.
> Made sure kernel was configured as per the instructions
> for building the LSM realtime module. Meaning:
> Built a kernel including the above options, then
> downloaded, compiled and installed the LSM realtime module,
> and it's seemed to load OK with no error messages:
> # modprobe realtime allcaps=1
> # lsmod | grep realtime
> realtime                9616  0
> Tried starting jackd (or jackstart, as a regular user):
> Now it just says 'illegal instruction'. Nothing more.
> No matter what arguments I give.
> By the way:
> LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.19 is set in .bash_profile
> to account for the 'creating SCHED_FIFO threads
> for real-time processing'-issue mentioned on
> Is jackd (the debian package) compiled with all necessary flags?
> Like --enable-capabilites ? How do I find out?
> *Taking a deep breath*
> I've spent more time than I like to admit tinkering with this,
> reading faqs, guides and tips from everywhere, but still not
> getting it to work. I'm just about ready to throw the towel in
> and go back to win98 (only for audio recording).
> Tried Agnula's DeMuDi, a dedicated Linux distro for Audio work,
> which indeed looked promising, and may work well, but:
> 1) v1.0 didn't recognize my serial mouse (Hellooo???)
> 2) v1.2 didn't recognize itself (the CD) as a valid Debian CD
>    and refused to install (could be my CDROM needs a cleaning?)
> But I digress...
> The more I read the more questions I have, like:
> - What FAQ, guide, tutorial etc. is the most
>   authoritative and updated on the subject?
>   Differences abound, depending on kernel version, etc.
> - What files must be present for all this to work,
>   (ALSA, jackd and all features of Soundblaster Live)
>   on a system running the 2.6.7 kernel,
>   and what magic do they possibly contain?
> -Why on Earth must all this be so convoluted? (sigh...)
>  This is by far the biggest show stopper for me since,
>  starting with Linux (first time in '95). I am most
>  certainly not a guru, but no newbie anymore, either.
>  I would like to spend some time actually doing some
>  (audio) work, too. And my family likes to see my face in awhile.
>  Is there a script available that takes the guesswork out of the
>  installation of all of the necessary components?
>  Obviously I'm not a programmer, so making one is out of my league.
> Sorry for whining, but now it's out of my system...
> I'm not subscribing to debian-user, but will search
> the mailing list for (hopefully) any answers.
> They will be most appreciated...
> Feel free to cc me your opinion, though.
> Thanks in advance,
> --
> Inge Thorin Eidsaether
> probot at warpmail dot net
> --
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