on Fri, 20 Aug 2004 06:20:21PM +0200, Florian Ernst insinuated:
> Hello again!
> On Fri, Aug 20, 2004 at 10:48:09AM -0400, Nori Heikkinen wrote:
> > my patch is below -- what do you think?
> > [...]
> >      <para>This is also the target to use if you want to upgrade a one
>                                                                    ^^
> >      or more already-installed packages without upgrading every
> > [...]
> That's all I'd complain about, but better ask a native speaker... ;)

damn, you caught me! corrected, thanks :)

> > on Fri, 20 Aug 2004 01:22:28AM +0200, Florian Ernst insinuated:
> > > This manual page is generated during build from a XML source, so best
> > > download the source package, unpack it, copy it to something like
> > > apt.orig and start editing the XML file(s). Once you have verified the
> > > changed version still builds 
> > 
> > how do i do this?  [...] is
> > this the way you had in mind when you said to make sure the package
> > still builds?
> Actually, no. :)
> A good start for building packages is installing the "build-essential"
> and "fakeroot" packages.
> Make sure you have a deb-src line in your /etc/apt/sources.list, eg.
> "deb-src http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/ unstable main contrib" (but
> better pick a local mirror). Then after "apt-get update" you can issue
> "apt-get source apt" as non-root which will download apt_0.5.27.tar.gz
> and apt_0.5.27.dsc into your current working directory and automatically
> unpack it. Copy the resulting dir to something like "apt_0.5.27.orig"
> and start editing the files in "apt_0.5.27". Once you are done you can
> simply do a "diff -ruN apt_0.5.27.orig apt_0.5.27" to get all
> differences you applied.
> In order to test whether the package still builds (ie. whether the
> applied changes corrupted anything) change to the source directory and
> issue "dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot". It will complain about any
> missing build-dependencies, so you'll need to install those as well.
> This last step can be made easier by simply issuing
> "apt-get build-dep apt" as root.
> Things get a little bit trickier when your personal working
> environment differs from the unstable distribution, then it is
> preferrable to create some sort of Sid-chroot using the "debootstrap"
> and / or the "pbuilder" package. When doing more than a single build
> I'd recommend to check the "debian-goodies" and the "devscripts"
> package as well as reading the New Maintainers' Guide...

okay, flo, thanks for all the explicit help.  i followed your
instructions & submitted a patch, and i'm bookmarking this message
(and the new maintainer's guide) for future reference.

thanks a ton!

yaaay, my first patch submitted! :)


    .~.      nori @ sccs.swarthmore.edu
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