On Tue, Nov 05, 2002 at 06:40:05PM +0100, Ing. Vladimir M. Kerka wrote:
> Hi,
> I hope I'm sending it to the correct list (yesterday I sent it to
> debian-gtk-list, but I cannot find it, so i post it once more here).
> First of all I want to express my thanks to all who participate on
> Gnome2 project, lots of work was done and it's really great.
> Unfortunately, I have some problems with running G2 and I solving them:
> - have no sound working

For some reason GNOME2 defaults to not starting the sound server.  Try
enabling it in the sound part of the control panel

> - when I go to "Start here - System settings" I have lots of error
> messages like: Failed to execute child process "boot-admin" [or
> time-admin, etc] for every item in this folder, both as root and as user

That's odd.  Are you running the latest packages from sid?


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