On Tue, 24 Aug 2004, B Thomas wrote:

> Hi,
> I was trying to find a US vendor for debian non-free CDs . Looks like
> there were only 2, cheapbytes.com and linux-cd.com. However neither have
> non-free woody CDs listed on their web page.
> I am unable to get debian-cd to work or find jigdo files for the
> non-free cd images. 

if i understand it correctly, jigdo is nice if it allows one to d/l
only the new changed files on the cdrom (i have yet to play and test it )

> Could you please help/advice ?

why not just d/l the entire cdrom collection onto the new debian.osu.edu
connection and burn your own cd's ?

patch with updates files as needed 

- so goes our plan too ... but now how to update each cd w/ new updated
  packages  and than rebuild the new iso

c ya

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