For the past few weeks I have been co-working on a private project. I
have done allot of work on it and I would hate to have to start over.

The makefile I created for this project explicitly tells the compiler
(g++) to compile the binary using i686 (-march=pentiumpro) assembly
instructions and internal timeings. Yet for some [explitive]
[explitive] reason it refuses to do so and both ‘file’ amd ‘readelf’
tell me it always compiles for a bare i386 despite my explicit
commands otherwise.

Two questions:
Why the [explitive] does this [explitive] thing not compile the end
result into a i686 only binary as I asked it to?
How the [explitive] do I fix it?

I have read the gcc/g++ manual pages. I have googled. I have spent
the past hour dedicating myself to this problem, and nothing seems to

This is [b]really[/b] getting to me. Please help.

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