Hi folks,

(I'm trying this with a different subject in the hope that it makes it
clearer than the previous one...)

I have a server i'm planning to bring online ASAP.  My priorities in
order are security, features, and performance.  My service requirements
are fairly standard:
- SMTP server
- IMAP & POP server
- Web mail
- Virus scanning

My current system is running Fedora Core 1, and when i switch to my
Debian box, i'd like to rethink my current mail server strategy.  My
current product mix is:
- SMTP: sendmail
- Local delivery agent: procmail
- IMAP/POP: dovecot
- Web mail: squirrelmail
- Mail virus scanner: amavisd
- Virus scanning package: McAfee Virus Scan
- SSL: stunnel 4.x

The things i'd like to do better:
- Large email folders (in the hundreds of Mb).
- Server side filtering so that IMAP and web mail get the same filters.
- Spam filtering.

Thoughts i've had so far:

- Postfix has probably the best reputation for security of any free mail
server as far as i can tell, which is quite a bit different from
sendmail's record over the years (although things have been quiet
lately).  I'm a bit of an ignoramus when it comes to exim - how does it

- Postfix seems to be easier to configure than sendmail.  After 15 years
of sendmail, i still want to puke when i try to read sendmail.cf.
Sendmail.mc is OK, but still not as easy on the eyes and the brain as

- When it comes to large email folders, maildir seems the way to go (at
the moment on my machine, message deletes can take in the range of 10-20
seconds).  Dovecot supports maildir, but i haven't investigated whether
procmail can do it.

- procmail's configuration is almost as hideous as sendmail's, and i'd
rather not use it if i don't have to.  The only local delivery feature i
really need is server-side filters, and i'd like them to be maintainable
from a web page or mail client if possible, but this isn't essential.

- I've heard good things about Courier as an IMAP server, particularly
with respect to maildir.

- ClamAV seems to be as good a virus scanning package as any, and is
free to boot.

- I've also heard good things about MailScanner as a virus/spam filter
(certainly it seems to be more polished than amavisd).  However,
MailScanner in woody doesn't seem to support postfix or ClamAV, and
requires exim.  This doesn't seem to be a general limitation with the
products, but simply with the woody versions of them.  With sarge, the
situation seems better, and both postfix and ClamAV are supported by

- I'm fairly new to apt-get, and i'm not into its advanced features yet.
 Can i run woody with the sarge version of MailScanner, using pinning
for MailScanner until sarge's release into stable?  I've read some basic
howtos about apt pinning, and made a first attempt at getting a hybrid
stable/testing system working, but i'm not sure that i've done it right
(i had to do a few apt-get -f install and the like).  Another package
i'd like to do this with is shorewall 2.x.

- MailScanner from sarge references clamav and clamavmodule.  Which is
preferred/available under Debian?

Thanks for listening...

He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains
a fool forever.

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